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About me...

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It all started in 2004 with a gift of a simple pillowcase with sweet, pink embroidery that became a dress for my new baby girl.

I am a repurposer by birthright.  It's engrained in my genes. 

My home is filled with vintage & antiques being used in non-traditional and traditional ways. 
After many years of schlepping tents and tables and clothing racks to craft shows around the midwest, selling upcycled linens in the form of pillowcase dresses, the opportunity came up for me to open my own brick & mortar on Main Street in Fortville, Indiana.  I jumped at the chance.  So in 2016, Time & Again Fortville opened.  It began as a place for handmade items by many makers to sell their wares and morphed into something that was entirely more personal for me....
sass and sarcasm and swear words and social justice.

I closed the shop on Main Street in November of 2023 after 7 great years but continue to do custom memory blankets, bears & pillows from my home in Fishers, IN.

I still love to take your cherished items that have been sitting in a drawer or a box because you "simply don't know what to do with it" and recreate it into a new family heirloom.


Contact me to find out more!

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Custom made memories from my home in Central Indiana

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